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SDS Max Shank Gu 1-1 / 4-7 UNC Fireann Diamond Core Drill Bits Adapter

SDS Max Shank Gu 1-1 / 4-7 UNC Fireann Diamond Core Drill Bits Adapter

Tuairisgeul goirid:

Àite Tùs: CN
Ainm Brand: SinDiam
Teisteanas: IS09001
Àireamh Modail: VA/SDS 2 1-1/4-7 air a char as àirde

Teirmean pàighidh is lìbhrigidh:

Meud Òrdugh as ìsle: $100
Prìs: Dèan rèiteachadh
Mion-fhiosrachadh pacaidh: Bogsa Carton
Ùine lìbhrigidh: 10-15 làithean
Comas solair: 20000pcs gach mìos

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

Bathar Tags

SDS Max Shank Gu 1-1/4-7 UNC FireannDiamond Core Drill Bits Adaptor


Seòrsa: Adaptor Core Drill Bits Iarrtas: SDS MAX Gu 1-1/4-7UNC Fireann
Stuth corp: Stàilinn Charbon Shank: SDS Max Shank
Dath: Dubh/Gnàthaich Pasgan: Bogsa Carton
Solas àrd:

UNC FireannDiamond Core Drill Bits Adaptor


SDS as àirdeDrile cridhe daoimeanAdaptor


Adaptor SDS Max Core Bit

SDS Max Shank gu 1-1 / 4-7 UNC FireannDrile cridhe daoimeanBit Adapter


1. Adapter airson Diamond Core Drill Bit Tuairisgeul


Faodaidh an inneal-atharrachaidh do chuideachadh le bhith a’ cleachdadh na pìosan drile bunaiteach agad ann an grunn phrìomh fheannagan gnìomhachais, atharraich an ceangal bho SDS max gu1-1/4-7 UNC Fireannmol.


2. Mion-chomharrachadh an t-sreath VA/SDS Max 2 1-1/4-7 Core Bits


SDS Max Shank To 1-1/4-7 UNC Male Diamond Core Drill Bits Adapter 0

3. Feartan adapter airson Diamond Core Drill Bit


  • Air a chleachdadh airson pìos cridhe daoimean tioram
  • Air a dhèanamh de stàilinn gualain cruaidh agus stàilinn alloy airson barrachd seasmhachd;
  • Air a chleachdadh airson drile cumhachd SDS max.
  • A 'cur às do ghluasad eadar an arbor agus an toll.


4. Adapters eile

SDS Max Shank To 1-1/4-7 UNC Male Diamond Core Drill Bits Adapter 1SDS Max Shank To 1-1/4-7 UNC Male Diamond Core Drill Bits Adapter 2

SDS Max Shank To 1-1/4-7 UNC Male Diamond Core Drill Bits Adapter 3SDS Max Shank To 1-1/4-7 UNC Male Diamond Core Drill Bits Adapter 4

SDS Max Shank To 1-1/4-7 UNC Male Diamond Core Drill Bits Adapter 5SDS Max Shank To 1-1/4-7 UNC Male Diamond Core Drill Bits Adapter 6

SDS Max Shank To 1-1/4-7 UNC Male Diamond Core Drill Bits Adapter 7SDS Max Shank To 1-1/4-7 UNC Male Diamond Core Drill Bits Adapter 8

SDS Max Shank To 1-1/4-7 UNC Male Diamond Core Drill Bits Adapter 9SDS Max Shank To 1-1/4-7 UNC Male Diamond Core Drill Bits Adapter 10

  • Roimhe:
  • Air adhart:

  • Sgrìobh do theachdaireachd an seo agus cuir thugainn e